Sunday, February 1, 2009

1/29 Artist Lecture: Alix Pearlstein

Introducing herself to us as a video artist with a background in sculpture, dance, and installation, Alix Pearlstein set herself up to me as being a very informative artist; one in which I felt I could gain a lot from. Five sentences into her lecture, myself and the row behind me became lost in her words and "ums". She began speaking about her early video work that surrounded post modern dance in which she herself was the performer. Along with her video clips she showed, she discussed in a round about way how they related to certain works, literature or even just certain time periods. Seeing what a great turn out this lecture had, probably the most students I have seen in attendance to one lecture, I was disappointed and hoped that the students who were in attendance for their first time, did not get a bad impression on what kind of artists the department chose for these lectures. I think what would have helped her lecture along, is less "ums" and being able to connect her work with us students on a level that we could understand.

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