Friday, October 30, 2009

Response to Video Critique

I found myself uncomfortable while watching my video critique. I noted several things throughout the viewing. From the start of my critique my body language came across as strong and and confident. I was not talking much with my hands and I was for the most part standing in one place. As the critique progressed, I started talking more with my hands and swaying back in forth with my feet in the same position. I found that when the questions started pouring in, my face began to get more and more flushed and my body seemed to squirm more and more. I began coming across very self conscious and intimidated. Something else I noticed was towards the end of my critique I started covering up the bottom of my face with the top of my turtleneck. It was a weird gesture to watch and it came across as me digging a hole for myself and attempting to hide in it.

For my next critique I want to be more aware of my body positions and I would like to maintain my composure better. I felt like I did a fairly good job responding to the questions that were focused on one part of my piece. However, I felt it pretty helpful to watch how I responded and my facial expressions that were addressed to my audience. I will choose not to cross my arms in front of my body and also find a different location for my hands; not in my pockets. I felt that with my arms across my body put a strong barrier between myself, my work, and my audience. I do not want to come across as defensive. I'd like to come across as open and eager to hear critique.

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