Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thursday a.m. Idea Post 12/03

Instructional Dance "Macarena" # 5 Digital C-Print 10x8in 2009

Instructional Dance "Macarena" # 5 Digital C-Print 10x8in 2009

For this performance, the location seemed to be more difficult to choose than the previous four. I have become more aware of my audience and the expectations from each shoot and because of those thoughts in the back of my head I became anxious and doubtful of my performance. Last weekend I researched improvisational performances and wrote about how it pertained to my work in my artist research blog. While performing yesterday I realized how much I already improvised during my performances according to who would come my way or what types of situations I would get myself into during these performances. For instance, yesterday there was this small goat that stood at the fence throughout the entire performance and watched. He was an engaged audience who was curious as to what my motives were and why I was there so early in the morning. I saw him mid way through my performance and moved toward him to see how he would react. How would an audience member react if I noticed them becoming intently focused on me and then moved in close to he/she? Also, during the last part of my performance there happened to be a VCU field trip passing through and making their ways up the path by the barn animals. I motioned them to pass on through and I had to change my place in the frame in order to let the whole class pass by. All of these instances were completely unexpected and therefore I had to react on the spot while on camera.

These performances this semester have encouraged me to test the waters and step outside of my box. All I wanted to do was turn around and go home yesterday morning. Not a lot of the animals were out, there was some employees fumbling around, and some visitors were all there to witness this performance. These performances have challenged me in several ways. They have challenged my anxiety out in public places, my ability to act as other and embody another character, and they have also challenged my self confidence and encouraged me to be more sure about my choices and what I do.

I am feeling satisfied and content with the body of work that I have produced throughout the semester. As my last "Idea Blog" in my college career here at VCU, I want to end this blog on a positive and optimistic note. Using this blog space as an outlet to write all of my current thoughts and ideas down has been a very beneficial thing for me. I have found that I use this blog space also as a different kind of journal. The work that I have written about on this space the last two semesters is work that I would like to continue working on post graduation. My present love for writing and the encouragement to use this space as a place to jot down ideas and receive feed back has been a staple and essential for my work's growth. Thank you Blog Space and thank you Tom for setting forth this challenge and therefore bringing me closer to a body of work that I have thought hours about and have come to really enjoy.

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