Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Thursday a.m. Idea Post 08/27

At the conclusion of the previous semester, I wrote my last blog about holding myself accountable to being aware of how important growing in this contemporary art world is and maintaining awareness of the strong peers and professors that surround me and how we can only aid each other in our roads to success. With that said, keeping myself accountable also means being willing to accept the incredible amounts of change that are occurring in the transition from one semester to the next. Different peers, mutating concepts, and personally being in a different location. Because situations change, picking up where you left off is not always the ideal situation one would expect to be waiting for them and in turn can hinder one from pursuing that growth. For example, I recently moved from the Fan area to Midlothian and in that move I also had to move my cat with me. Like humans, animals sense change equally and my cat tended to remove himself from the world that continued on around him the days leading up to our move. Transporting him, the initial change of scenery, shot a rush of uneasiness and worry through him that his entire body rebelled and any sort of bodily projection that could happen, did. Once arriving at the house he did what any human or animal would, he clung onto the only familiar physical object that now was in this new place; a comforter that smelled of the old house. That familiar comforter is my metaphor of my work from last semester. I became very acquainted with my process and my motives for those performances that up until recently I have clung onto them and feared moving forward. However, with the start of a new semester and still holding myself accountable for how pertinent growth is, clinging onto the familiarity of last semester is doomed to stunt that growth of my future work and me. After that realization, I am pumping myself up for a new installment of work to add onto my last while keeping the same concept but giving it a face lift and a bit of freshening up.

Change is defined as “to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of something different from what it is or from what is would be if left alone” and “to substitute another or others for; exchange for something else, usually of the same kind.” This word pertains quite well to my new work in that my new ideas are branches of my old ideas but reaching into other areas in hopes of bringing in new and different feedback from my viewer.

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