Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thursday a.m. Idea Post 04/29

Tonight, marking the last evening of blog writing for the semester, also marks the beginning of very important upcoming months; the months leading up to my last semester as a student. The idea of having four more months to closely work and critique with incredible peers and professors looms in my head and quite frankly saddens me. My class, my peers, the ones I've been with for three years now, have come to be consistent aids in my process of growing and making stronger work. On Monday, in Contemporary Issues, as a class we discussed the importance of being aware of the current state and life you live; the importance of understanding the now in reference to your artistic life. The more I thought about it, the more I understood why it was so important to our growth as contemporary artists. When the week gets real hectic and trying, I tend to block out what is currently taking place and move on to what is going to go on in the upcoming days. With that said, I feel that during those frequent blackout moments I am missing the comments and efforts from those around me; the comments and efforts coming from a peer group that is experiencing the same issues and dilemmas. Whenever again will I be surrounded by such a strong force of talented artists that are on my team?
As I gathered my thoughts for this nights blog, I was comforted in knowing that this was not a conclusion of my educational career tonight...or within the next few weeks when my high school graduation class are graduating from college. Luckily enough, I've been given one more semester in the department to push forward and further my conceptual thoughts while living in the present; acknowledging the now, for the future is quickly approaching.

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