Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thursday a.m. Idea Post 04/22

At my meetings with three panel members on Monday, Julie Sanders, Page Bond, and Robert Hobbs, I got a great amount of feedback from my work and also got the same question during each meeting. What was I planning on doing next seeing as I have one more semester at VCU? I find my performance series to be very exciting and a great part of who am I right now, however after those meetings I am more strongly considering moving forward and developing a new concept while maintaining the performance sequence composition.
Robert Hobbs and I were talking about potential opportunities for me to see great performance work while I am up in NYC for the summer and he suggested artist Barbara Probst whom is represented by Murray Guy Gallery. Her series work simultaneously depicts scenes with photographs from a few different angles and is presented in diptych or triptych form depending upon the series. She has a strong use of still objects that hold the pieces well together. In her imagery, she has a very striking way of using color and I enjoy how she uses some of the same layouts (the long landscape layout) that I find myself very attracted to with series work. In my series work, I have very few still objects and I would like to explore that realm of self-interaction with objects. Even though I have been considering taking myself out of the shot, I still have convinced myself with valid reasons why I feel that would benefit my work. I think for right now and the near future, I am going to focus on exploring new possibilities using myself and then having the option of rotating someone else in.
An idea of a new shoot that I have been considering involves certain objects interacting with each other, either balancing or leaning on each other. With these objects I want to recreate that same scene but using a person. This person will need to mimic the composition to their closest ability. Paying attention to, color, form, negative space, environment, facial expressions, and the relationship that the body has with the objects it is mimicking. Ideally, I would like to start shooting my series in a studio spaced with controlled lighting and possibly a white background and displaying these as a series of two or more images together.

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