Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What about history?


I have been thinking about your summer plans and what we discussed the other day in my office. You should really start looking into the birth of performance art. Seek out answers for why it happened, how, what was left, etc. I know that we have discussed this in other classes but it relates more to your work now than it has before. Look for work from John Cage (possibly the most important artist of the 20th century) Merce Cunningham, Yoko Ono, Dan Graham, Vito Acconci, and so many more.
I want you to start considering your presence in your work. Look at the attitudes of the above artists, why they did what they did, how their bodies were involved and why. Knowing the history of your area of interest intimately will provide a more solid ground for you to stand on. Also, your future projects will become more confidant in their direction.

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