Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thursday a.m. Idea Post 04/02

Being a hermit within my work has been the daily routine lately. On Monday in my topics class we had a discussion about the responsibility of a photographer and their responsibility to their culture and outside cultures. Mentioned, was the idea that photographers have the potential to be viewed as aggressive and predatory. Because I have been so stuck in my head and work recently, thinking of how my presence with a camera could cause someone anxiety and fear rarely crossed my mind; as naïve as that sounds. Because my series performances involve me in the frame, I have only viewed the camera as a tool and have rarely felt afraid of what it could do to me. After thinking more about how not just the camera affects the public but also how the actual work affects the public made me reconsider my choices of presentation for my performance series. Decisions on presentation for this series have been haunting me for quite some time now because I want my viewer to feel comfortable with the amount of vulnerability and distress that they are seeing. I have put together a few different presentation formats where it breaks down the performance in three or four larger photographs while also incorporating the whole performance in a smaller size placed at the top of the layout. I felt like this template could speak well to the audience in that it gives them an inside look at the performance while also being able to look at the pulled back view of the whole performance and the movement that occurred with the different placements of my body.

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