Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Thursday a.m. Idea Post 11/05

These performances that I am focusing on this semester all deal with performing as other; other being the keyword. Other meaning “different or distinct from the one mentioned or implied, different in nature or kind, and being the remaining one of two or more.” I found it interesting that in the definition of other the words different and distinct from were mentioned. When I am performing as other, yes I am very different from the person that I am performing as however, I feel very connected and somewhat similar to that person as well. One thing that I have noticed with these performances is that I feel very comfortable embodying another character while I am tuned into my headphones and line dance music. The headphones are the liaison between the costume and the character and me the performer. The headphones were somewhat of a controversy at my critique a few weeks ago however, I could not disagree more with them being a problem in the image. The wires of the headphones are metaphorical pieces that connect one ear of the performer to one ear of the character. I have been stressing how I want the performance to seem unified and solid and I feel that understanding how these headphones direct the performance is pertinent in my success.

When I google image’d the word other the first few images that came up were somewhat comical and interesting. One that I thought was ironic was an image of several ethnicity boxes that you check on an application. The ones that were listed were African, Asian, Latino, Native American, Other, and Other, Other… I did not pay attention to what this image was involved with or what it was saying I just focused on the idea of someone filling out this form and not even being able to specify who they are. Well maybe they did not want to specify but the bizarre thing is if they wanted to there may not be a box that they can check to characterize or describe their ethnicity.

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